We’re launching a new shop with some 3D printed RC products for sale. I got a 3D printer earlier this year because there’s always been parts I wanted (mostly RC related) that I would have to ask my cousin to print for me.
Then came wanting parts that no one else had made yet, so I spent over 10 hours watching youtube videos on how to use Fusion 360 to design my own parts.
The first thing on my list was a bumper mount for the Slash to hold a flag. Sort of the way monster trucks do:

I think it is spot on!
Because some of you might have 3D printers already, I’ll link my products to the STL files so you can print them yourselves. I’ll offer them for sale (with low shipping costs) for those who do not.
Keep in mind that sometimes it will be cheaper to order through Meatball Racing than to print it yourself. In the case of this Traxxas fan mount for most 2wd vehicles (Slash, Rustler, Stampede, Bandit) – the cost of the hardware alone would be more than ordering it from MeatballRacing.com direct.
Do you have any ideas for 3D printed parts? I’ve got some ideas in the hopper, especially for the venerable Traxxas Slash – maybe you have some as well? Let us know in the comments!
Do you still make the cooling fan mount for the 2wd slash?
Yes sir, you can find it right here: https://www.meatballracing.com/product/xl5-30mm-motor-fan-mount/