Hands down this is the best radio you can get for around $100. The hobby is moving so fast, it’s incredible what this thing can do! When it first came out, I was skeptical as the go-to radio for most people flying multi-rotors was the Taranis X9D. The X7 has a form-factor very similar to the first Horus which was not initially well-received. But what FrSky had done with the X7 was take everything that was awesome about the X9D (OpenTX, haptic and audio feedback, telemetry, serial module communication) and put it in a Horus-shaped budget package.
I’m not going to go through everything about this radio, there are plenty of other reviews out there – several linked to from here. I just want to suggest an awesome setup that will not only do telemetry with FrSky receivers, but also Spektrum, FlySky, and any other multiprotocol module protocols that support telemetry.
This is a great complete transmitter/receiver setup that will cost you less than $200 and will control just about everything:
- Taranis Q X7
- X4R-SB (for multirotors)
- IRangeX add-on module (uses multiprotocol TX)
- Cheap FlySky RX for foam airplanes, or Telemetry RX for fancier models.
- Bind-and-Fly for everything else